Task Force & Devising Seminar

Many school districts utilize consultants to perform audits of special education programs.

These audits can yield data and information about what is going well and what areas need improvement – and often even provide sources and information for solutions for these District-wide challenges.

The “Task Force and Devising Seminar” process is different.

District administration – with the assistance of the Key2Ed facilitators – will identify two or three (no more) challenges to target. These challenges will then be addressed through a Devising Seminar. A Devising Seminar is a facilitated session with representatives from all the stakeholder groups brought together to identify solutions to the selected problem and create a workable action plan designed to reduce and even eliminate disputes.

This process ensures that all the Stakeholder groups have “skin in the game” because these are their solutions – not a consulting company’s. Therefore they have a vested interest in ensuring that these solutions can be implemented.


All Key2Ed instructors have at least 20 years of special education experience including in the classroom. We know what you need – because we’ve been there.



All Key2Ed instructors have at least 20 years of special education experience including in the classroom. We know what you need – because we’ve been there.


What exactly is a devising seminar?

The Devising Seminar process is defined as a series of facilitated meetings and interviews ”… that brings together representatives of core stakeholder interest groups to brainstorm mutually advantageous approaches to address collective challenges”. (Susskind). The Devising Seminar process assists a district in identifying issues at a macro level that are the cause of disputes within a school or across the district. Eliminating disputes across the district results in improved services to students.

What does the devising seminar process look like?

Key2Ed facilitators assist the district through the 4 stages to the Devising Seminar process:

  • Stage I: Task Force identifies strengths and challenges across the spectrum of district special education services.
  • Stage II: Stakeholder input through anonymous interviews.
  • Stage III: Task Force selects a few of the identified issues to be addressed.
  • Stage IV: Devising Seminar is conducted to identify solutions to the selected targeted issues.
What's the purpose of this activity?

IEP meeting facilitation assists a specific IEP team in building agreement and promotes a culture of collaboration. This builds a culture of cooperation at a micro-level in the district organization. The Devising Seminar process promotes collaboration across the entire district, and encourages all district stakeholders to work together towards student success.

Why should my district consider doing this?

The Devising Seminar process identifies the issues causing conflict within and across the organization. The identification process is conducted by Key2Ed facilitators who gain input from district Stakeholders (staff, administrators, and parents), and then the facilitators assist the Stakeholders in developing solutions to the Stakeholder-identified problems. This results in a greater likelihood that the solutions will be implemented and supported throughout the organization.

How is this different from a special education audit or review?

The Devising Seminar process relies not only on data gathered and reported by outside consultants, but, more importantly, focuses on stakeholders’ impressions and perceptions about district special education services and what issues are the root causes of conflict. District stakeholders, not consultants, identify solutions for the troubling issues.

What are the benefits of this process?

The Devising Seminar process results in decreased conflict across the organization and improved services to students based on support from all the Stakeholders. The solutions are developed collaboratively and promoted an ongoing collaborative culture.

How do I get more information about the devising seminar?

You can contact us at info@key2ed.com or call us directly at (615) 790- 6156.