Terms and condition

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet nibh. Vivamus non arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dapibus, tellus ac ornare aliquam, massa diam tristique urna, id faucibus lectus erat ut pede. Maecenas...

Module Layouts

This template comes with a sophisticated layout system to create any kind of sidebar or widget layout. You can easily manage the sidebar’s positions and widths in the theme administration. Modules can have different styles and be placed in any position offered...

UIkit Elements

Button Header Item Item Separated item Parent Sub item Sub item Header Item Item Separated item Parent Sub item Sub item Primary Header Item Item Separated item Parent Sub item Sub item Success Header Item Item Separated item Parent Sub item Sub item Danger Header...
Color Styles

Color Styles

This theme comes packed with 6 preset styles. The theme settings also allows you to create an unlimited color variations using the color pickers and pre-defined background settings. Default 01 blue 02 olive 03 orange 04 purple 05 navy...
Admin Template Styling

Admin Template Styling

This theme comes with a nice admin template styling build to match the intricate front-end design. We’ve added a custom.css file to isis, so that you don’t need to install any other template to make your admin interface look perfect. You can change the...

Beluga Icons

Beluga Joomla templates comes with a unique and hand-picked icons set. Hover over any icon to get the name. Web Application Icons icon-adjust icon-anchor icon-archive icon-area-chart icon-arrows icon-arrows-h icon-arrows-v icon-asterisk icon-at icon-automobile (alias)...