Key2ed / CASE Trainings

Key2Ed, Inc. is recognized as the national authority on facilitating family and school partnerships. We conduct workshops for thousands of educators nationwide. We contract with individual school districts, regional cooperatives, and state departments of education to introduce this vital skill set. Clients report overwhelming satisfaction with the training and report that implementation of the training yields improved relationships between staff and families and collaborative meetings that focus on the needs of the student, which ultimately yields positive student outcomes and decreases parent and staff stress.
The Key2Ed workshops are designed to present techniques and strategies to promote effective meeting facilitation. Participants learn to utilize facilitation skills to make meetings run smoothly, efficiently, and collaboratively. Also, participants learn multiple preventions, interventions, and solutions for conflict. These skills result in reduced stress and shortened meetings, all while building trust and a collaborative partnership between and among IEP team members.

The Key2Ed IEP Facilitation workshop is a 16-hour blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning. The schedule requires the learner to complete:

  • Approximately 7 hours of video self-study accessed through our learning management system (LMS)


  • Approximately 9 hours of live Zoom sessions.

During the live sessions we will practice the skills and techniques learned during the video instruction to ensure all participants are able to begin using their new tools the very same day!



This 6.5 hour Key2Ed workshop is designed for participants who have completed the initial FIEP workshop and have implemented the Key2edfacilitation model in their IEP meetings. Participants develop a deeper understanding of how to use two critical models, Stages of a Discussion and Guidelines for Reconciliation, to improve their facilitation skills for difficult meetings. Small

group activities and high conflict role-plays allow the opportunity for participants to practice their skills in a safe environment where Key2Ed trainers can provide individualized coaching and

feedback. This training is limited to 30 participants per training/minimum 10 participants

$400 per participant ($4000 for district)

Participants in Key2Ed IEP Facilitation training will learn specific tools and techniques to:

  • Guide the IEP meeting process 
  • Broker positive communication amongst all team members
  • Build agreements based on shared understanding amongst team members
  • Resolve any disputes that arise through understanding and recognition of each party’s interests and concerns

Key2Ed trained facilitators are able to:

  • Focus the IEP meeting content and process on the needs of the student
  • Promote an efficient meeting process that prevents off-topic discussions 
  • Encourage all team members to share responsibility for the meeting process and for implementation of the IEP
  • Assist the IEP team in making agreements through consensus

The special section of virtual IEPs contains information on:

  • How to plan for the use of the technology 
  • How to enlist the assistance of the team members in operating the technology
  • How to ensure full participation from all IEP team members
  • How to use the technology tools and how to explain them to the participants

District-wide implementation of IEP Facilitation promotes a culture of collaboration between school staff and families for the benefit of all students.

Key2Ed provides lifetime support for all participants.  This is available to participants 24-hours per day, 365 days per year through telephone, email communication and teleconferencing.  If a participant wants a Key2Ed associate to help them prepare for an upcoming IEP meeting and/or debrief after a meeting, an associate is available and will coach the participant. 

Key2Ed developed the IEP Facilitation process in 1998.  Since then, they have trained thousands of facilitators throughout the country.  They are the authority on IEP Facilitation and on promoting school and family collaboration.


6501 E Greenway Pkwy
Ste #103-418
Scottsdale, AZ 85254



(615) 790-6156